CAD, Engineering Drawing & Document Scanning

CAD, Engineering Drawing & Document Scanning

In the engineering field, drawing and large paper documents are commonly used. The large documents are vulnerable to damages and take a lot of physical space to store. Since they are large, they are folded to occupy minimal space. The folding creates a high risk of tearing and wearing out. To solve this problem, you will need the CAD, engineering drawing & document scanning service. Digitizing the CAD and engineering documents protects the information for many years and saves you office space.

Scanning large format documents is crucial for any engineering-related business. Here at Scan Service Singapore, we are highly specialized in digitizing CAD, engineering drawing & documents. We have high-end software and equipment to generate high-resolution images.

Reasons you need to consider CAD, engineering drawing & document scanning

Documents are Preserved for a Lifetime

Architectural and construction drawings need to be preserved for a lifetime. The large paper documents are vulnerable to damages and ripping. When they stay in a store for many years, the drawings can fade. The solution to this problem is to consider the engineering drawing scanning services. With scanning, it is easier to preserve the original drawings for many years. The document can be secured, and only authorized people can have access to it.

Improve Workflow

Digitizing documents improves workflow. Manual searching of the architectural design is time-consuming and reduces the productivity of the employees. Digital files are easy to share with the employees within seconds.

Improve Security

The architectural designs can be secured, and only authorized people can have access to the drawings. If blueprints fall into the wrong hands, it can cause a security threat. This can be controlled by having digitized documents that are encrypted and password secured. You will monitor the activities in that file. You can control the number of people to access blueprints and other architectural drawings.

Save you Space

Instead of storing the large format documents in your office, you can scan them and move them to a different room. This will free up your workspace, and your office will look neat and organized. The CAD, engineering drawing & document scanning services are highly beneficial to your business. The digitized file can be stored in the cloud or hard drive, which is easy to retrieve whenever needed.

We are experienced in CAD, engineering drawing & document scanning services. We have the lasted scanning technology, and our staff is experienced in digitizing large format documents. Contact us today