Newspaper and Magazine Scanning

Newspaper and Magazine Scanning

Scan Service Singapore has experience in newspaper & magazine scanning. Our cutting-edge equipment and trained staff ensure that the newspapers and magazines are digitized in high-resolution images. We also protect the original copy and send it back intact.

Archiving newspapers and magazines for long will result in degrading of the paper and difficult to retrieve. Digitizing the magazines will safely back up the information, and it will be readily accessible. Digitized files are immune to degradation, tear, and wear.

Newspaper Scanning Service

Newspapers have a delicate paper that easily deteriorates and rips quickly. Because of this reason, we have a special machine to scan the newspaper. The newspaper is kept intact during the digitizing process. We produce high-resolution images and the end format is friendly to view on phone, tablet, and computer. We also indexed the digitized newspapers for easy retrieval. You can share the digitized newspaper with as many people as possible.

Magazine Scanning Service

Take advantage of professional scanning service to have high-resolution images. We have special equipment to scan the magazines and capture all images in the printed colors. We use a non-destructive scanning method to keep the magazine intact. We convert the magazine into indexed digital files that are easy to find.

Why you should Consider Newspaper & Magazine Scanning

  • Digitized papers will last forever. You will no longer worry about wear and tear or rip of the newspapers and magazine. Storing the digital papers on the cloud is the best because it has back up storage, unlike CD and flash disks that can be destroyed.
  • Scanned papers save money and space. Newspapers and magazines occupy a lot of physical space. Papers that can fit a room can be stored in a single flash drive or virtual storage spaces.
  • It saves time to search through stored magazines and newspapers to get the one you want. Digital content is easy to manage; you will just need to search by the keyword. You will be able to retrieve the magazine you want within seconds.
  • Digitized documents are easy to share through email. You can send a copy to many people through the internet. This is a reliable way of sharing information with many people.
  • Newspaper and magazine scanning allows many people to view one document at the same time. Sharing of information becomes easy and reliable. The original copies are protected from wear and tear.

Here at Scan Service Singapore, we are highly experienced in newspaper and magazine scanning. Contact us today to get your quotation.